
Need advice – will I be fired? Is this normal?

A bit unconventional I apologize but I really need advice. I’m not sure if this is the right platform but I an worried about job security and if I will be fired if I press my discomfort with management. This past weekend I was at a bar and was talking to find out this guy that I was talking to was someone I correspond with frequently. We had a laugh, I told him it was nice to put a face to a name and then went about with my friends without a thought. I woke up Sunday to a facebook message telling me he forgot to ask for my number and gave me his. This is when I find out he is nearly 45 years old. (I am in my early twenties). I don’t answer because I keep work separate. I go into the office to see my very first…

A bit unconventional I apologize but I really need advice. I’m not sure if this is the right platform but I an worried about job security and if I will be fired if I press my discomfort with management.

This past weekend I was at a bar and was talking to find out this guy that I was talking to was someone I correspond with frequently. We had a laugh, I told him it was nice to put a face to a name and then went about with my friends without a thought.

I woke up Sunday to a facebook message telling me he forgot to ask for my number and gave me his. This is when I find out he is nearly 45 years old. (I am in my early twenties). I don’t answer because I keep work separate.

I go into the office to see my very first email from him saying it was nice to meet me and I should text him because something happened later that night I had to hear about. I understand being friendly, but I was offput that he would email my work email in a rise to get my number. I tried to excuse it as he is just friendly but ultimately, I tell my boss as this client is my direct point of contact.

I let him down “easy” letting him know out of respect for the nonexistent person I am talking to, I don’t offer my personal number. Because I don’t want to make work awkward as he is a client I email regularly. This was why I thought what a small world when we met in person.

This may be a coincidence so I don’t want to focus too heavily on it but I had matched with a guy on a dating app that Sunday with the same name on a rather normal looking profile who was also early twenties.

It becomes more weird thinking about the conversation because The first message I received from was wondering how I could “cheat on my boyfriend and that I am morally unethical”. I brushed this off as a weird pickup line.

After chatting and talking we exchange numbers, he lets me know he will “shoot me a message” and then unmatches me and no message was received.

Has anyone ever been approached like this from a client? Regardless of the dating app possible coincidence, this man actively sought out my personal information on both personal platforms and professional ones.

Is this something that could get me fired? I am so worried as I correspond with this person very frequently.

I apologize for the length of this and if this isn’t the correct place to put this. any and all advice is welcomed!

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