
Need Help with Midnight position at work and the BS that comes with it….

So this is only my second actual need opinions/perspectives post on Reddit. I usually lurk and enjoy comments – but today I need some help for me. I work for the past 6 months as a midnight emergency response dispatcher for a tow truck company. We respond to scenes when PD needs us. So it’s a little intimidating/stressful for someone new to dispatching. I’m also alone in the building, watching the cameras on our lots and taking emergency calls from midnight until day shift is supposed to arrive at 8:30 am. I DO NOT LIKE DISPATCHING OR BEING HERE ALONE ANYMORE! So….about 6 weeks ago I called a meeting a basically put in my 2 weeks notice – citing my mental health as the reason for leaving (I.e. stress of job, being alone for 9 hour with zero real experience). The company offered me a different position within the company…

So this is only my second actual need opinions/perspectives post on Reddit. I usually lurk and enjoy comments – but today I need some help for me.

I work for the past 6 months as a midnight emergency response dispatcher for a tow truck company. We respond to scenes when PD needs us. So it’s a little intimidating/stressful for someone new to dispatching. I’m also alone in the building, watching the cameras on our lots and taking emergency calls from midnight until day shift is supposed to arrive at 8:30 am.

I DO NOT LIKE DISPATCHING OR BEING HERE ALONE ANYMORE! So….about 6 weeks ago I called a meeting a basically put in my 2 weeks notice – citing my mental health as the reason for leaving (I.e. stress of job, being alone for 9 hour with zero real experience). The company offered me a different position within the company with new hours and new responsibilities – once they found a replacement for me on midnights.

Problem is – it’s now nearing 2 months and I am still on the midnight shift, by myself waiting for this so-called replacement. Management had sent me periodic emails to let me know the status and I do think they are trying but my position just being on the midnight shift is going to be hard to fill.

Additionally, my morning relief is always about 15 minutes late. So that’s an additional 75 minutes I am working during the week – when I struggle mentally to just get to 40. Management has acknowledged this but to no improvement. My relief is the head dispatcher and important to the company – so instead of taking steps to ensure he is in on time – they have started “appeasing” me with Starbucks gift cards in my mailbox.

I am not sure where to go from here as I am starting to feel taken advantage of. I realize I agreed to stay for the replacement – but this continued stress, lack of assistance on midnights and the constant coming in late is getting to be too much. When I put in my 2 weeks before I was prepared financially for it. Things have changed quickly now in my circumstances so not having an income is not doable now. So I feel stuck – both financially and morally to this job.

At what point do I have another conversation with management. They rarely see me or interact with me so it’s like this dismissal of me is easy for them.

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