
Need some advice from the community.

Hello all. First time poster here. Really hoping to get some advice. Last year I started a new job in which I have been at for about year. I had no expectations going into this new place. I just thought I would give it a shot. 99 percent of the people are super nice and it is relaxed. There are things about the job I don't like though. Its a smaller business ( a dozen employees). Its a parts distributor for a specific industry. I work in the warehouse. The facility is way to small for the amount of product that is in there creating an unsafe work environment. A lot of the racking is damaged badly. Worksafe (our provincial version of Occupational Health and Safety) recently came in and wrote them up requiring them to fix it. But there is a long list of other safety concerns. Most fire…

Hello all. First time poster here. Really hoping to get some advice. Last year I started a new job in which I have been at for about year. I had no expectations going into this new place. I just thought I would give it a shot. 99 percent of the people are super nice and it is relaxed. There are things about the job I don't like though. Its a smaller business ( a dozen employees). Its a parts distributor for a specific industry. I work in the warehouse. The facility is way to small for the amount of product that is in there creating an unsafe work environment. A lot of the racking is damaged badly. Worksafe (our provincial version of Occupational Health and Safety) recently came in and wrote them up requiring them to fix it. But there is a long list of other safety concerns. Most fire exits are blocked with product. The warehouse is so jammed picking orders in a timely manner requires doing unsafe things. Climbing on triple stacked skids, standing on elevated forklift forks etc. They also took advantage of another employee that worked in the warehouse for about 7 years into working 2 extra hours a day without paying the OT rate even know they are required to by law. I have realized that this is a place I don't see myself in long term. A few weeks ago I received a small inheritance from my Grandfather. Not a lot but enough to take 6 months off and find something that is a better fit for me. I officially handed my letter in last week. I am very conflicted though. They are begging me to stay and I do like a lot of the people there but my gut tells me its not the right fit. I guess I just need some reassurance I am making the right choice. Cheers. Thanks for letting me vent.

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