
Need Some Advice Please Work hired in new employees at a higher rate , i found out i complained and ..

So i work for a Pest Control company in the state i live in , it requires us to be state licensed through the agriculture department. We also receive additional training and certification depending what we do , so i currently make 19.00 an hour which is around the low range for a pest service provider , but i only have a year experience under me so i get it, any way our company decided to start hiring in new techs because sales and such are ramping up which is great !!! the problem is they hired all these new unlicensed inexperienced people at higher rates then us who have been there a year and such , so of course I'm angry and I talked to my supervisor who essentially told me 1: he doesn't know what to tell me 2: he cant give me a higher rate 3: apply…

So i work for a Pest Control company in the state i live in , it requires us to be state licensed through the agriculture department. We also receive additional training and certification depending what we do , so i currently make 19.00 an hour which is around the low range for a pest service provider , but i only have a year experience under me so i get it, any way our company decided to start hiring in new techs because sales and such are ramping up which is great !!! the problem is they hired all these new unlicensed inexperienced people at higher rates then us who have been there a year and such , so of course I'm angry and I talked to my supervisor who essentially told me 1: he doesn't know what to tell me 2: he cant give me a higher rate 3: apply else where get a rate and he could possibly match it .. now i talked to my Branch manager today and he hears out my Concerns and Sympathizes with me , then goes on tot ell me that wage talking is frowned upon , I then told him it can be frowned upon all day long its still legal to talk about , any way they deduced who it was who was talking about there 21.75 they were getting and reamed him a new one and messaged me telling me he got in trouble and that i was responsible because of something I supposedly did , when I questioned and or asked he never responded tried to call but i wouldn't take the phone call . i just don't know what my options are , im already one foot out the door 2 interviews come Monday , but there has to be something more i can do then just leave

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