
need to rant

Since I told work I'd be going back to school, they've been harder on me with passive aggressive comments and feedback. Last week I received my very first office warning ever. When I asked for examples of what I did wrong they couldn't give me any. So my partner says this is prep for termination with clause? So yesterday, someone called to ask where to send their CV for my receptionist position. My work didn't have the respect to tell me to my face they were looking for someone new. Do I give two weeks or just quit? (Been there 4 years, I'm in Ontario)

Since I told work I'd be going back to school, they've been harder on me with passive aggressive comments and feedback. Last week I received my very first office warning ever. When I asked for examples of what I did wrong they couldn't give me any. So my partner says this is prep for termination with clause? So yesterday, someone called to ask where to send their CV for my receptionist position. My work didn't have the respect to tell me to my face they were looking for someone new. Do I give two weeks or just quit? (Been there 4 years, I'm in Ontario)

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