
Negative correlation between financial success and empathy.

I am 38. I have noticed that, as my cohort ages and some attain financial security, their empathy seems to rapidly dwindle. People who used to volunteer with me when we were young now sneer at the notion of donating time and/or money to charities. Paradoxically the ones that have been less fortunate are more willing to join me. This is by definition anecdotal. I have read several thinkpieces about baby boomers “pulling up the ladder behind them”. I wonder if it is just baby boomers though. Friends that have houses detest the unhoused “ruining” downtown Portland. Friends with cars are annoyed at bicyclists or protestors for interrupting their commute. When they were renting and bicycling and poor it was the fancy house owning, car driving old people who were the bane of their existence. This isn't all of my social circle… but it describes a lot of them. Anyone…

I am 38.

I have noticed that, as my cohort ages and some attain financial security, their empathy seems to rapidly dwindle.

People who used to volunteer with me when we were young now sneer at the notion of donating time and/or money to charities. Paradoxically the ones that have been less fortunate are more willing to join me.

This is by definition anecdotal. I have read several thinkpieces about baby boomers “pulling up the ladder behind them”.

I wonder if it is just baby boomers though. Friends that have houses detest the unhoused “ruining” downtown Portland. Friends with cars are annoyed at bicyclists or protestors for interrupting their commute.

When they were renting and bicycling and poor it was the fancy house owning, car driving old people who were the bane of their existence.

This isn't all of my social circle… but it describes a lot of them.

Anyone else notice anything similar?

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