
Negotiating Pay Offer

I need help! I’ve been offered a job. Same exact job I’ve done 3 years but different industry. I believe I’m worth 20k more than they’re offering (this is 10k more than I make now) PLEASE HELP ME negotiate this. I’m Sick of being taken advantage of. I’m more than capable and qualified Of this role. The industry aspect is 10% of the work knowledge required. I want the offer, but just not sure where to start. I work 2 jobs as it is, to work for less than I make now is a joke when I’ve spent years climbing to where I am…

I need help!

I’ve been offered a job. Same exact job I’ve done 3 years but different industry.
I believe I’m worth 20k more than they’re offering (this is 10k more than I make now)

PLEASE HELP ME negotiate this. I’m
Sick of being taken advantage of.
I’m more than capable and qualified
Of this role. The industry aspect is 10% of the work knowledge required.

I want the offer, but just not sure where to start. I work 2 jobs as it is, to work for less than I make now is a joke when I’ve spent years climbing to where I am…

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