
Never apply for a job you saw on a YouTube ad.

I made the mistake of applying for one of these “get rich online” type jobs run by some internet personality type dude. I went to the online interview which was in a group on zoom. After the interview when everyone was logging off, the interviewer asked me to stay for an extra minute. All he wanted to tell me was that i screwed up my camera angles and lighting for the zoom call by using my phone instead of a webcam (which i do not have) and that because i did this it made my interview look “unprofessional” from his perspective. Well im not the smartest guy in the world, but im also not a complete idiot and I realized that because of this, i almost certainly wouldn't be getting this job, which begged the question, why would this guy take the time to even tell me some shit like…

I made the mistake of applying for one of these “get rich online” type jobs run by some internet personality type dude. I went to the online interview which was in a group on zoom. After the interview when everyone was logging off, the interviewer asked me to stay for an extra minute.

All he wanted to tell me was that i screwed up my camera angles and lighting for the zoom call by using my phone instead of a webcam (which i do not have) and that because i did this it made my interview look “unprofessional” from his perspective.

Well im not the smartest guy in the world, but im also not a complete idiot and I realized that because of this, i almost certainly wouldn't be getting this job, which begged the question, why would this guy take the time to even tell me some shit like that KNOWING he wouldnt recommend me for hiring?

Idk what the rules are here so i didn't post the company's name, but i put them on blast and left a SCATHING review and email sent directly to his boss afterwards to which he almost immediately started blowing up my phone trying to apologize.

But idc, fuck them.


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