
Never Been Better

I quit my full time 19.5/hr wage job at Starbucks at the end of May, fully intending to ride out two weeks notice for the paychecks and to help my team who were struggling with the labor. Store manager starts going off on me for no reason, singling me out, making me see her in a different light. I was a shift manager and saw how people suffered from the hours they did, I wanted to help but I had to go to the ER for what I believed was a blood clot in my leg. They made me stay at work to call every store in the state, I ended up walking out and going to the ER. Was put on leave for about a week, told by doctor to not do physical labor that isn't necessary. Job could give fuck all for my well being, wanted me to…

I quit my full time 19.5/hr wage job at Starbucks at the end of May, fully intending to ride out two weeks notice for the paychecks and to help my team who were struggling with the labor. Store manager starts going off on me for no reason, singling me out, making me see her in a different light. I was a shift manager and saw how people suffered from the hours they did, I wanted to help but I had to go to the ER for what I believed was a blood clot in my leg. They made me stay at work to call every store in the state, I ended up walking out and going to the ER. Was put on leave for about a week, told by doctor to not do physical labor that isn't necessary. Job could give fuck all for my well being, wanted me to cover more hours. After the manager went off on me the last time in June I called and said I'm not fucking coming back, fuck the two weeks. She SPAT the word “selfish” at me. I never called out, never asked for days off, didn't even get weekends so no social life and it was fine but the disrespect and apathy towards my health made me realize I could literally die and no one would fucking care. I used a lot of savings due to losing two paychecks but I found a job that pays 65,000 salaried, sent in my signed offer letter today. Paid holidays, vacation days, full benefits package even with life insurance. Gave me two weeks more before work starts to take care of myself. The people feel so kind, HAVE NEVER SEEN MY DEADNAME USED UNLIKE FUCKING 'INCLUSIVE' STARBUCKS. It's a harder job, I'm not naive to think the hours will be better but the pay and treatment is WORTH the hours. Thanks for coming to my rant.

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