
Never wanted to walk off a job so bad in my life

I work for a small roofing company, my job is basically putting together estimates and running supplies to the job site. Today as I was dropping off supplies and my boss pulls in behind me with his three kids. He asks if I had a lot to do at the office, which I did, I told him yes I had about six estimates to put together. He then opens the doors to my company truck and tells his kids to get in that they are going with me to the shop. I have nothing against kids but these kids are not well behaved, and to throw them on me like that made my blood boil. I guess I am just here to vent or if anyone has any advice of action I can take about this I would also appreciate. Thanks!

I work for a small roofing company, my job is basically putting together estimates and running supplies to the job site. Today as I was dropping off supplies and my boss pulls in behind me with his three kids. He asks if I had a lot to do at the office, which I did, I told him yes I had about six estimates to put together. He then opens the doors to my company truck and tells his kids to get in that they are going with me to the shop. I have nothing against kids but these kids are not well behaved, and to throw them on me like that made my blood boil. I guess I am just here to vent or if anyone has any advice of action I can take about this I would also appreciate. Thanks!

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