
Never work in the mortgage industry PERIOD

So as a former employee of rock connections aka a rat company of rocket mortgage I’m here to tell anyone that thinks mortgages are legit TO STAY AWAY FROM THEM. because if you wanna have a great career in this world get into something medicine related like me for example I’m going to get an associates in physical therapy. because jobs like that aren’t going away because people always manage to break a body part end of rant I’m getting of the soapbox lol.

So as a former employee of rock connections aka a rat company of rocket mortgage I’m here to tell anyone that thinks mortgages are legit TO STAY AWAY FROM THEM. because if you wanna have a great career in this world get into something medicine related like me for example I’m going to get an associates in physical therapy. because jobs like that aren’t going away because people always manage to break a body part end of rant I’m getting of the soapbox lol.

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