
New Hires Keep Quitting

I work at a national grocery chain. Two months ago, I trained seven new hires. Since then, all but one have quit. This chain plays slightly above minimum wage. The manager said she didn't understand why they were leaving. I said, it's a hard job and the hours suck. (The easiest way to get around that is to pay more, but they won't do that.) These are new hires are getting paid more than older employees, who started a few years ago when thr minimum wage was lower, so they are quitting too. I don't know when these companies will figure it out. I am being paid to read corny “drink your kool-aid” propaganda to these people (instead of doing my real work) and then watching them realize a week into the job that they're exhausted from waking up at 4 a.m. and lifting 40 lb cases of apples for…

I work at a national grocery chain. Two months ago, I trained seven new hires. Since then, all but one have quit. This chain plays slightly above minimum wage. The manager said she didn't understand why they were leaving. I said, it's a hard job and the hours suck. (The easiest way to get around that is to pay more, but they won't do that.) These are new hires are getting paid more than older employees, who started a few years ago when thr minimum wage was lower, so they are quitting too. I don't know when these companies will figure it out. I am being paid to read corny “drink your kool-aid” propaganda to these people (instead of doing my real work) and then watching them realize a week into the job that they're exhausted from waking up at 4 a.m. and lifting 40 lb cases of apples for hours. And then they stop showing up and the managers don't get it. And now there's a new round of new hires and it's all starting again. I'm finding it all very entertaining to watch.

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