
New HR lady at the job tried to undermine my good boss

I've worked for people that I somewhat enjoyed being around but that ultimately towed the company line with a few exceptions. I don't want to say my current boss is the only good one I ever had but she had made a significantly positive impression on me. For the first time EVER I disclosed to a job that I have depression and that I am currently medicated and in therapy for it. At first my boss just kinda made a note of it. We moved on. Sometime after I told her that due to my schedule I would not be able to continue therapy for a while and that I would talk to her before it effected my work in any way (it's a daycare so this is something I felt she needed to be aware of while I'm responsible for these sweet babies) the conversation that followed almost made…

I've worked for people that I somewhat enjoyed being around but that ultimately towed the company line with a few exceptions. I don't want to say my current boss is the only good one I ever had but she had made a significantly positive impression on me.

For the first time EVER I disclosed to a job that I have depression and that I am currently medicated and in therapy for it. At first my boss just kinda made a note of it. We moved on. Sometime after I told her that due to my schedule I would not be able to continue therapy for a while and that I would talk to her before it effected my work in any way (it's a daycare so this is something I felt she needed to be aware of while I'm responsible for these sweet babies) the conversation that followed almost made me fall in love with her. Some quotes from her “what can I do to help you be successful?” “Your mental health matters.” When she talked about changing my schedule I hesitated because frankly I was surprised she wanted to accommodate me. I sort of politely argued like don't do too much for me and she said “So what you're telling me is you need to come in late every Thursday?” And that's how my schedule got permanently altered so I could continue my therapy. Even my therapists naw dropped when I told her. It's a shame how accustomed we are to being told to suck it up and keep things to ourselves. She has done so much to show me what an incredible character she has.

Issue time. New HR lady rolls in and wants to sit down with all of us 1 on 1. She brings up my therapy and basically suggested my boss should not have accommodated me “Well since she already promised that I won't undo it” like would you have? Would you have told me I can't go to therapy anymore? Immediately rubbed me wrong and I had this thought play over and over in my head while we talked “HR serves the company not the employee” I felt so sad and angry as she went on asking these invasive personal questions and how she was suggesting I keep my mental health to myself in the future. Worse yet is that I did delude myself into thinking our conversation was between us but she Immediately ran back and told my boss everything. I did intend to, at some point, have that conversation with my boss because I know she's trustworthy but I just recently started working there and didn't wanna Immediately dump out all my issues.

The only good news is that my boss was sympathetic, understanding and even offered some helpful advice to me and offered herself up if I need anything else she can do to support me. I'm extremely grateful to her but so deeply unhappy with the HR lady who I will never ever talk to ever again if I can help it.

Almost forgot to add then when I initially talked to my boss I offered her a note if need be and she told me it wasn't necessary and that she didn't think I'd lie about it. This cane up in the HR meeting and she insisted I bring a note and said my boss should have demanded one as well.

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