
New job already “following up” with me on tasks

So, I just started a new job, it’s a contract position for a wage I was fine with but didn’t necessarily need. ( will get into that later in post) This job reached out to me for an interview and told me they needed someone to file electronic files, and forward emails out of a shared inbox. Oh.. it’s way more than that. They are assigning me tasks and duties that I have no experience or honestly interest in doing, and then telling me to go ask and partner with people I don’t even know from other departments to get those tasks done. I feel like I have been totally hoodwinked. I mean, the pay isn’t bad, it’s 3 bucks more than I was making in my last job, but it’s also way more work or so it seems! I don’t like being tasks to do things with no actual…

So, I just started a new job, it’s a contract position for a wage I was fine with but didn’t necessarily need. ( will get into that later in post) This job reached out to me for an interview and told me they needed someone to file electronic files, and forward emails out of a shared inbox. Oh.. it’s way more than that. They are assigning me tasks and duties that I have no experience or honestly interest in doing, and then telling me to go ask and partner with people I don’t even know from other departments to get those tasks done. I feel like I have been totally hoodwinked. I mean, the pay isn’t bad, it’s 3 bucks more than I was making in my last job, but it’s also way more work or so it seems! I don’t like being tasks to do things with no actual training or knowledge and being told to just “ask so and so for help” fuck that. I don’t know what to do.. I kind of want to push back and tell them… “ you said this job was going to be x and x… not XYZKHG.” Thoughts? Experiences?

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