
New job offers 8 weeks maternity …

My last job offered 12 weeks and while I’m not currently with child, I’d like to be in the future. It was tough going back to work after 12 weeks, I’m not sure how I would handle it after 8 weeks. I had pp last time and my baby couldn’t eat well so it was all hands on deck. My question: when and what is the best strategy to bring it up to the new job that I might need an additional 4 weeks even if it’s unpaid? Thanks!

My last job offered 12 weeks and while I’m not currently with child, I’d like to be in the future. It was tough going back to work after 12 weeks, I’m not sure how I would handle it after 8 weeks. I had pp last time and my baby couldn’t eat well so it was all hands on deck.

My question: when and what is the best strategy to bring it up to the new job that I might need an additional 4 weeks even if it’s unpaid?


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