
New job, they treat me like crap

I started a new job at a supermarket as a cashier / stocker 3 weeks ago. It all started out fine but then they wanted me to switch last Friday and Saturday to work the afternoon shift instead of scheduled morning. I said no, because I do not have a sitter for my son, because my sons father was already working afternoon on those days at his job (we try to work opposite shifts to avoid childcare problems). I said to my boss I can not because I have nowhere to put my son until 9:30 pm and he is only 2,5 years old so he needs to be in bed like two hours before I even get out of work. I said to her I will work the schedule but I can not switch shifts on one day notice like that. She tried to make me feel bad saying…

I started a new job at a supermarket as a cashier / stocker 3 weeks ago.
It all started out fine but then they wanted me to switch last Friday and Saturday to work the afternoon shift instead of scheduled morning. I said no, because I do not have a sitter for my son, because my sons father was already working afternoon on those days at his job (we try to work opposite shifts to avoid childcare problems). I said to my boss I can not because I have nowhere to put my son until 9:30 pm and he is only 2,5 years old so he needs to be in bed like two hours before I even get out of work. I said to her I will work the schedule but I can not switch shifts on one day notice like that. She tried to make me feel bad saying my coworkers all switch shifts all the time and work afternoons a lot, but the truth is they’re all older women without young children. After that she started treating me like shit, giving snarky passive aggressive comments about anything related to me, and when I went to her office Friday morning to talk about how I can not lift heavy boxes and haul them into the shop because of my health problems (I have arthritis in my hands) that they knew about before they hired me she literally laughed into my face and disregarded anything I said. So I called in sick Saturday because I woke up in so much pain and literally dreading to go back. Sunday I was off because the store is closed and today I called in again because I am so mentally exhausted and literally dread going back to work with this manager who treats me like shit. She was sighing on the phone and taking long pauses and tried to make me feel bad how she “doesn’t have people to work”. My contract is until the end of September I have no idea how I’m going to get through this summer at this job. I needed a job financially but the boss is just making me dread it so much. The coworkers are all older and I dont fit in, have nothing to talk about with anyone and the whole time I’m in I’m just so depressed and their comments how I’m so “shy and serious all the time” don’t help either. I could go to my doctor and complain about arthritis pain to stay home longer or go back tomorrow and hope things get better. What should I do?

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