
New job wants me to write a training manual but I’ve only been here a month.

Started at a new place a little over a month ago and I’ve been taking a lot of notes because the position is a new initiative. They’re asking me to write up a training manual for a new hire based off of my notes. I still have a lot to learn and I don’t feel qualified to write an objective training manual when I don’t know everything either. Idk I understand my notes but I don’t think someone completely new would. How should I go about this?

Started at a new place a little over a month ago and I’ve been taking a lot of notes because the position is a new initiative. They’re asking me to write up a training manual for a new hire based off of my notes. I still have a lot to learn and I don’t feel qualified to write an objective training manual when I don’t know everything either. Idk I understand my notes but I don’t think someone completely new would. How should I go about this?

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