
New tasks after taking vacation.

I'm on mobile so bare with me. I work for a fairly known fitness company as an audio/video technician. I just got back from a trip and missed an important meeting. Apparently, management is asking us to start “helping” with cleaning and setting up the fitness equipment (Bike, Treadmill). They have always had people that work at the front desk that have been doing this ever since I started working here. Two of them have recently left and are down to only 4 people. They don't want to hire/replace the people that left and are asking us, the techs, to “help” pick up the load. We are busy as it is and to do this would just not be feasible without leaving some the work we already do unattended. I have yet to speak to my manager about this but this is just something I'm not happy about doing, nobody…

I'm on mobile so bare with me.

I work for a fairly known fitness company as an audio/video technician.

I just got back from a trip and missed an important meeting. Apparently, management is asking us to start “helping” with cleaning and setting up the fitness equipment (Bike, Treadmill). They have always had people that work at the front desk that have been doing this ever since I started working here. Two of them have recently left and are down to only 4 people. They don't want to hire/replace the people that left and are asking us, the techs, to “help” pick up the load.

We are busy as it is and to do this would just not be feasible without leaving some the work we already do unattended. I have yet to speak to my manager about this but this is just something I'm not happy about doing, nobody else is. We are being compensated extra and nowhere in our contract does it say that we are supposed to do this. I'm not saying this is beneath me or anything but I didn't go to college and took this job to clean someone else's sweat specially if I'm not being paid extra.

Any advice in how to approach this?

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