
Nice place to work

My employer has a “nice place to work”campaign by telling us it is a nice place to work. It cherry-picks examples and features employees, often new, who are still drinking the cool-aid. They never ask those who have been there a while what they need to do better because they don't want to hear it. I'm expecting t-shirts with “Great place to work” printed on them. Give me a break. It is such a blatant denial of the many problems. I bet the people that got laid off wouldn't agree. I bet the people who haven't had a pay raise in years wouldn't agree. Or how about the many people who get paid less than the new employees with less responsibility. It's a nightmare.

My employer has a “nice place to work”campaign by telling us it is a nice place to work. It cherry-picks examples and features employees, often new, who are still drinking the cool-aid. They never ask those who have been there a while what they need to do better because they don't want to hear it.

I'm expecting t-shirts with “Great place to work” printed on them. Give me a break. It is such a blatant denial of the many problems. I bet the people that got laid off wouldn't agree. I bet the people who haven't had a pay raise in years wouldn't agree. Or how about the many people who get paid less than the new employees with less responsibility. It's a nightmare.

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