
No bathrooms? No Problem!

I work in a large manufacturing facility, last week our facility had new water pumps or something installed. They let us know in meetings and through emails that the bathrooms would be closed (due to water being shut off) for a few hours during the day but dropped about 8 “portapotties” for us to use in the mean time. Okay that works, it's only temporary.. no big deal. Right? Well or some reason today none of the toilets would flush.. it is bad enough that there are only 4 toilets for each gender for a facility of about 300 employees but now we don't have any working toilets and they removed the portable toilets last week. For some reason they thought it was acceptable to stay open for business as usual… I feel bad for whoever had to clean up but I just used the toilet anyway after holding a…

I work in a large manufacturing facility, last week our facility had new water pumps or something installed. They let us know in meetings and through emails that the bathrooms would be closed (due to water being shut off) for a few hours during the day but dropped about 8 “portapotties” for us to use in the mean time. Okay that works, it's only temporary.. no big deal. Right?

Well or some reason today none of the toilets would flush.. it is bad enough that there are only 4 toilets for each gender for a facility of about 300 employees but now we don't have any working toilets and they removed the portable toilets last week.

For some reason they thought it was acceptable to stay open for business as usual… I feel bad for whoever had to clean up but I just used the toilet anyway after holding a #2 for about four hours.

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