
No coverage

I’m trying to call in sick, because I have really bad head cold. Fever, congestion, coughing type sickness. My boss makes us text around to our coworkers to find our own coverage, and If we can’t find anyone to cover our shift we just have to go in anyway? We have signs up at work that say “don’t come in if you’re sick, you’ll spread it around” but we can’t call out? It’s such a weird business practice and especially stressful for an $11/hr worker…

I’m trying to call in sick, because I have really bad head cold. Fever, congestion, coughing type sickness. My boss makes us text around to our coworkers to find our own coverage, and If we can’t find anyone to cover our shift we just have to go in anyway?
We have signs up at work that say “don’t come in if you’re sick, you’ll spread it around” but we can’t call out?
It’s such a weird business practice and especially stressful for an $11/hr worker…

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