
No hike this year since I got last year.

I got a promotion and hike last year based on all the work done in past. I worked my ass of in the new role this year as well. Employer would not give any hike this year, like literally nothing since they gave the hike last year and this year they have to deal with giving inflation adjustment related increments to other employees who didn’t receive a hike last year. I don’t get the inflation adjustment increment too which others are receiving. Basically someone who is junior to me and didn’t work as much in last two years will have same salary as me this year because of this. I MEAN, FUCK THAT!!

I got a promotion and hike last year based on all the work done in past. I worked my ass of in the new role this year as well. Employer would not give any hike this year, like literally nothing since they gave the hike last year and this year they have to deal with giving inflation adjustment related increments to other employees who didn’t receive a hike last year. I don’t get the inflation adjustment increment too which others are receiving. Basically someone who is junior to me and didn’t work as much in last two years will have same salary as me this year because of this. I MEAN, FUCK THAT!!

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