
No matter which side you vote for you’re getting screwed.

I’ve been hanging around this sub for a few months reading posts and comments and there are some very counterproductive statements being made. Namely, the blame game. Republicans are responsible for this and Democrats are responsible for that. This is the exact mentality that 1% wants to keep you in. ‘As long as they are fighting for crumbs amongst themselves and playing protect-the-tribe then we can continue screwing them over on wages.’ It honestly doesn’t matter which side you voted for in the past election. Or every election before that; we are all being affected the same way and the only ones who seem to be immune are the top 1%. Republicans are sold the dream that hard work alone will make everyone rich. And democrats are led to believe only republicans give big corporations tax breaks and rely on “trickle down economics” The truth is that neither one of…

I’ve been hanging around this sub for a few months reading posts and comments and there are some very counterproductive statements being made.

Namely, the blame game. Republicans are responsible for this and Democrats are responsible for that.

This is the exact mentality that 1% wants to keep you in. ‘As long as they are fighting for crumbs amongst themselves and playing protect-the-tribe then we can continue screwing them over on wages.’

It honestly doesn’t matter which side you voted for in the past election. Or every election before that; we are all being affected the same way and the only ones who seem to be immune are the top 1%.

Republicans are sold the dream that hard work alone will make everyone rich. And democrats are led to believe only republicans give big corporations tax breaks and rely on “trickle down economics”

The truth is that neither one of the political parties gives a damn about you other than your vote. We’ve all been scammed. Since everyone doesn’t fall for the same scam they’ve just diversified the scam across the two major parties.

I suggest we work together and stop pointing the finger at each other and become one because it’s WE THE PEOPLE. It’s not we the ‘elected public servants’ or we the ‘top one percent’.

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