
No more flexible work schedule!

Weve been going through some changes at work and adding new culture rules in the hopes of making a pleasant and welcoming work environment for new hires, as well as attempting to curb numerous complaints about how management runs things. I believe the new culture rules are making the work environment very toxic, encouraging tattle tailing on each other for hurt feelings for saying literally anything. I can’t even begin to go into it because it’s just ridiculous. You can’t even make jokes anymore. I don’t want to talk to anyone anymore because it’s ridiculous the feedback you get for saying anything. I just think the company is trying to push out long term employees and get cheap labor. On top of that, after having 10+ plus years of a flexible work schedule, the best thing about working there that made it tolerable on bad days, and the ability to…

Weve been going through some changes at work and adding new culture rules in the hopes of making a pleasant and welcoming work environment for new hires, as well as attempting to curb numerous complaints about how management runs things.
I believe the new culture rules are making the work environment very toxic, encouraging tattle tailing on each other for hurt feelings for saying literally anything. I can’t even begin to go into it because it’s just ridiculous. You can’t even make jokes anymore. I don’t want to talk to anyone anymore because it’s ridiculous the feedback you get for saying anything.

I just think the company is trying to push out long term employees and get cheap labor. On top of that, after having 10+ plus years of a flexible work schedule, the best thing about working there that made it tolerable on bad days, and the ability to reschedule your shift or work the weekend instead, we are no longer flexible. You can no longer reschedule. They’re bringing back the point system as well, so if youre 15 minutes late, now you get a point instead of just staying 15 minutes longer for your shift.

Reasoning for this? New upper management said It didn’t make sense to have us be different than any other department, even though we’ve been on the most overtime. I’m pissed. Everyone’s pissed. You can’t fight it, it just is what it is. And if you speak up about it, and how ridiculous it is, your breaking culture rules, not accepting of change and will get a talking to & poor performance review.

I don’t know what’s happening anymore. I’m frustrated, stressed out and sad to have to give up my work/life balance and to be working in a toxic work environment and not able to voice my opinion. Ive worked here for so long BECAUSE of the flexible work schedule, relaxed work environment and benefits and now its all gone.

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