
No Vacations!

I work for a state university. I was just informed that we are not allowed to take vacation from May 15 to August 15….the prime vacation months in the northern hemisphere. This was not communicated to me when I was offered the job last fall. The only guideline is that it has to be “relatively reasonable” and apparently blocking off a quarter of the year is reasonable. I hate my job. (The pay is horrible too. But hey I get to wear jeans on Friday!)

I work for a state university. I was just informed that we are not allowed to take vacation from May 15 to August 15….the prime vacation months in the northern hemisphere. This was not communicated to me when I was offered the job last fall. The only guideline is that it has to be “relatively reasonable” and apparently blocking off a quarter of the year is reasonable. I hate my job. (The pay is horrible too. But hey I get to wear jeans on Friday!)

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