
No water provided for 1 week.

I recently started a new job at a daycare in California. We have a staff of 22 and for the first few weeks they provided plastic water bottles for employees. I hate this method as it’s so wasteful, but at least they were providing water. I have a 32 oz water bottle that I fill before coming into work, but I still go through an additional 2-3 plastic waters as it’s been getting warmer and I am running around after kids all day. But since the end of last week they have not been providing water bottles so I’ve had to buy my own from the gas station next door, as have everyone else. I finally said something to my bosses on Tuesday and their response was “Yeah I’ve been trying to order it for the past few days.” Wtf do you mean you’ve been “trying” to order it. Like…

I recently started a new job at a daycare in California. We have a staff of 22 and for the first few weeks they provided plastic water bottles for employees. I hate this method as it’s so wasteful, but at least they were providing water. I have a 32 oz water bottle that I fill before coming into work, but I still go through an additional 2-3 plastic waters as it’s been getting warmer and I am running around after kids all day.

But since the end of last week they have not been providing water bottles so I’ve had to buy my own from the gas station next door, as have everyone else. I finally said something to my bosses on Tuesday and their response was “Yeah I’ve been trying to order it for the past few days.” Wtf do you mean you’ve been “trying” to order it. Like you either order something or you don’t. And if for some reason you can’t then you should go buy a pack of water from Costco or wherever.

I’m just so annoyed with their lack of care for their employees. Providing us with water is literally the bare minimum you can do for us.

If I go into work tomorrow and there’s still no water I think I’m going to suggest that they get a water cooler as it’s cheaper and less wasteful.

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