
Nobody wants to tell the truth anymore!

Employers fucking lie. Through their teeth. And get away with it. Every time. And I'm fucking sick of it. For context, I was working two jobs. The first one said they could promise 35 hours a week if I could work weekends. The second promised me 25 as soon as I was trained up. The first one halved my hours two weeks in, then they kept fluctuating week to week. I literally couldn't and still can't pay bulls thanks to that. The second never got above 15, and when things got slow cut me down to 8-10. I found a new job with a two dollar raise that promised full time and said that they could accommodate my schedule with the second job. One week in, and they tell me they need me on the same days my second job needs me even though they promised me those times off.…

Employers fucking lie. Through their teeth. And get away with it. Every time. And I'm fucking sick of it.

For context, I was working two jobs. The first one said they could promise 35 hours a week if I could work weekends. The second promised me 25 as soon as I was trained up. The first one halved my hours two weeks in, then they kept fluctuating week to week. I literally couldn't and still can't pay bulls thanks to that. The second never got above 15, and when things got slow cut me down to 8-10. I found a new job with a two dollar raise that promised full time and said that they could accommodate my schedule with the second job.

One week in, and they tell me they need me on the same days my second job needs me even though they promised me those times off. I go through a ton of negotiating with my second job, getting them to give up one of those days to accommodate the new job. Well, now the new job won't give me the hours they promised me. Looks like I'm going to have to quit the old job to get the hours they promised me at the new job. Which costs me like 500 dollars a month from not having a second job. I still gain money, every shift I work at the old job instead of the new job costs me about 35 dollars, but I lose all the income from the old job. I still come out ahead by about 150 a week, but it's about 80 dollars a week less than what I was expecting from the first and second job combined, and from the second and third combined. Plus I have to quit on a small family-run business on short notice because I was lied to about availability.

I'm just fucking sick of it. I don't get how all these fucking liars get anywhere operating like they do. It seems like the only ones who got screwed were the people being the most honest (though to be fair, the family joint wasn't totally honest either). “Nobody wants to work, everyone wants a fucking handout, wah!” Fucking bullshit. Be fucking honest with people, for motherfucking fuck's sake. How motherfucking hard is that?

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