
“Nobody Wants To Work?” How to answer.

Old f*cks ( I am old) complaining about how young people are lazy and ask too much. “Why can't they find jobs? Plenty of jobs out there to be had. Everyone is hiring!” I answer them like this> “Look. If this was 1975, 1985, and even 1995. Fuck yeah. I'd be right there with you on this. But times change. I remember looking for work in 1975 and my first job I walked in off the street and was hired immediately and started work THAT day. In 1985, you showed up anywhere with a sign in the window, talked directly with a boss, and got a yes or no answer in a few hours. Every job I took from 1975 to 1995 offered health insurance and two weeks vacation right away. There were no HR departments, background checks, credit checks, drug testing, etc. I'm still at the job I took…

Old f*cks ( I am old) complaining about how young people are lazy and ask too much. “Why can't they find jobs? Plenty of jobs out there to be had. Everyone is hiring!”

I answer them like this>

“Look. If this was 1975, 1985, and even 1995. Fuck yeah. I'd be right there with you on this. But times change. I remember looking for work in 1975 and my first job I walked in off the street and was hired immediately and started work THAT day. In 1985, you showed up anywhere with a sign in the window, talked directly with a boss, and got a yes or no answer in a few hours. Every job I took from 1975 to 1995 offered health insurance and two weeks vacation right away. There were no HR departments, background checks, credit checks, drug testing, etc. I'm still at the job I took in 1992, and I never even filled out a formal application.”

Shit today is way different in many ways. Mostly, It's become this impersonal, degrading process of repeating the same thing over and over and over while waiting weeks to even get an email from anyone. I talk to young people and I am astounded and angered by what companies put applicants through and the outright lies they tell along the way. Employers are coy about what they're paying and they ask the dumbest questions e.g. “What is your passion in life?” WTF?

If you worked a job between 1965 and 1995, chances are you had a pension, health insurance, vacation time, etc. and enough disposable income to enjoy time with family. Those guys retired to Florida, voted for assholes, and had good ROI now complain that young people, who don't get any of that, are somehow lazy. Screw them.

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