I work at a small non-profit with a nationally recognized name. I have been employed there since 2018. I specifically chose to work at a non-profit so I could feel better about working everyday, I figured at least I was helping people. This mentality is exactly what they want, because it allows them to take advantage of employees.
I did countless tasks and projects beyond my job description, scope of understanding, education and training. I transferred all staff from their current broken down desktop computers to new laptops, I am in zero ways an IT professional. I moved the entire 5000 sq office BY MYSELF to a new smaller suite when rent was too high during the pandemic, for that I got a $250 bonus. I could go on and on and on and on, that's not n even the tip of the iceberg.
My boss, the CEO, is stepping down
This came as a shock. I was promised a few things I will never see now, zero job security, and lots of placating. Anyways, I am in a position where when I leave, everything will be a disaster. I actually took a leave of absence in November because the stress contributed to me being admitted to a mental institution. They scrambled for an entire month, once I got back there was a lot of overdue stuff waiting for me.
Since I have been working without a job description for at least a year now, my boss thought it was a good idea to have me write my own, encompassing everything I do and a new tasks she wanted me to take on.
When we met about the job description I let her know that I would like more compensation. I did my research, I didn't ask for anything outlandish, in fact I decreased my asking price by 5000 to be less competitive. I was told my salary request was too much….
….but you know what's not too much? Paying a new CEO $150,000 per year. The current CEO makes $115,000. Most of the staff makes $40,000 or less, myself included.
So help me out, I'm leaving this toxic shit hole. My boss just left for vacation today, I almost thought about resigning today so I could ruin her trip.
I don't care about burning bridges. Give me your ideas.