
Not a great offer

I interviewed for a design job at a large agency and went through six hours of multiple interviews, both one-on-one and in groups. After a quick tour of the building I was told how great I was and left with a promise of an offer the next day. Sure enough, they called the next day with an offer… to bring me on as an engineer. I explained that I had no engineering training and had interviewed for the open design position. They assured me that the engineering position was in fact much better! But since I had no training, they proposed to take me on for six months as a full time unpaid intern to learn the ropes. If after that time I was “showing promise”, then they'd take me on at half-wages for another six months. And if after a full year, they still liked me, then I'd have…

I interviewed for a design job at a large agency and went through six hours of multiple interviews, both one-on-one and in groups. After a quick tour of the building I was told how great I was and left with a promise of an offer the next day.

Sure enough, they called the next day with an offer… to bring me on as an engineer. I explained that I had no engineering training and had interviewed for the open design position.

They assured me that the engineering position was in fact much better! But since I had no training, they proposed to take me on for six months as a full time unpaid intern to learn the ropes. If after that time I was “showing promise”, then they'd take me on at half-wages for another six months. And if after a full year, they still liked me, then I'd have a full time job. “No promises, though!” they laughed.

I didn't take them up on their, uh, generous offer.

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