
Not Giving Uniform Assistance Is Oppressive

I don't mean like giving someone a home depot shirt or something but having a dress code and providing no assistance to the employee. I'm starting a new job and asked about the dress code. Only sacrifice I'll have to do is shave my beard considerably which my friend said I was lucky as he had to buy his own safety shoes with no voucher or anything. My brother chimed in and mentioned that he has to work in clean, ironed suits at work (hotel) and he has to do the labor of maintaining them, cleaners and all that, on his own dime. He's also not allowed to wear the same thing back to back. This doesn't include other parts of grooming needed but he effectively has to dedicate parts of his schedule (and money) to maintaining all this and it's just for front desk work for mediocre wages. This…

I don't mean like giving someone a home depot shirt or something but having a dress code and providing no assistance to the employee. I'm starting a new job and asked about the dress code. Only sacrifice I'll have to do is shave my beard considerably which my friend said I was lucky as he had to buy his own safety shoes with no voucher or anything. My brother chimed in and mentioned that he has to work in clean, ironed suits at work (hotel) and he has to do the labor of maintaining them, cleaners and all that, on his own dime. He's also not allowed to wear the same thing back to back. This doesn't include other parts of grooming needed but he effectively has to dedicate parts of his schedule (and money) to maintaining all this and it's just for front desk work for mediocre wages. This alone basically means you have to pay to start working in these positions and you are, in a way, actually paid less.

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