
Not having a job and stressing over what to get is not helping my mental health

I've been unemployed now since late 2021 and I realized even what I was making back then wasn't enough to get my own place. I stuck around hoping for either to happen. Either I hoped to get a raise or learn enough to get into a position that would last. Instead the whole department went under and now I just have 9 years of general office experience. Even then that was a job a family member helped me get. So practically all my life I've been led to whatever I've needed to do. School, College and the job I had. Now I'm sitting here really not knowing what I want to do. I thought it was Culinary until I hated working until 11pm at night sometimes even midnight. I tried store work until I faced similar issues, covering for call outs, delt with customers and some co workers that gave…

I've been unemployed now since late 2021 and I realized even what I was making back then wasn't enough to get my own place. I stuck around hoping for either to happen. Either I hoped to get a raise or learn enough to get into a position that would last. Instead the whole department went under and now I just have 9 years of general office experience. Even then that was a job a family member helped me get.

So practically all my life I've been led to whatever I've needed to do. School, College and the job I had. Now I'm sitting here really not knowing what I want to do. I thought it was Culinary until I hated working until 11pm at night sometimes even midnight. I tried store work until I faced similar issues, covering for call outs, delt with customers and some co workers that gave me issues.

I know I do need a job to participate in society, pay for things I need and a place to live. I don't even know what I'd go back to college for to change my profession and even if I do that there's no guarantee I'll get a decent job. Which is partly why I stopped at my Associates.

So yeah I'm kind of stuck…I can't just “take anything l” because rent in my area is high even if I try to split with my partner. I'm just so tired of trying to find a way to make everything work.

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