
Not my boss is trying to give me duties from a different position. Trying to get me on job responsibilities saying “include but not limited to”

I work at a universities outdoor adventure program. We have a climbing wall (which I don’t work at), rental center, and lead trips which the last two I do. The boss in question oversees the climbing wall and outdoor climbing trips (which I don’t lead). One of the jobs at the wall is routesetter who on the job description is responsible for “setting and CLEANING climbing holds”. When I came into work the other day I talked to this boss when he called me into his office and told me that I would be cleaning climbing holds, I told him no since I’m not a route-setter. He told me that I would clean them so route-setters don’t have to. I responded that if he wanted me to do then he could hire me as a routesetter. Then he told me that since my job responsibilities “have the wonderful line include…

I work at a universities outdoor adventure program. We have a climbing wall (which I don’t work at), rental center, and lead trips which the last two I do. The boss in question oversees the climbing wall and outdoor climbing trips (which I don’t lead). One of the jobs at the wall is routesetter who on the job description is responsible for “setting and CLEANING climbing holds”. When I came into work the other day I talked to this boss when he called me into his office and told me that I would be cleaning climbing holds, I told him no since I’m not a route-setter. He told me that I would clean them so route-setters don’t have to. I responded that if he wanted me to do then he could hire me as a routesetter. Then he told me that since my job responsibilities “have the wonderful line include but not limited to” that I would. I decided not to speak to him for the rest of my shift.

Wondering what I do about this, if he has any way of holding that over me. I’m planning on doing a terrible job cleaning holds if he really makes me as I have more important things to take care of there than holds I don’t use or oversee the installation of. We’re attempting to unionize soon so I want my coworkers to be on my side for that.

TL;DR guy that’s not reallly my boss want me to take responsibilities from different job without compensation, how do I get out of it or make him do it himself?

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