
Not only do we get fucked by our corporate overlords, we also get fucked by our fellow man

I worked retail for two years. Not only are you getting paid as little as possible, on the tiniest skeleton crew possible, the shoppers, people who are more than likely in the same shit situation as you, treat you just as bad. I couldn't believe the scummery, people would try on shoes and then leave them on the ground. Of course, if we had an extra person we'd keep these few shoes picked up but if we didn't, it would eventually become a shoe mountain right in the middle of an aisle. Families would come in, and let their kids run straight to the toy section like we were some kinda playhouse. It was guaranteed that the toy section would at the very least be completely destroyed, if not torn apart and the toy pieces strewn about. People would lay out rugs on the ground and then leave them there,…

I worked retail for two years. Not only are you getting paid as little as possible, on the tiniest skeleton crew possible, the shoppers, people who are more than likely in the same shit situation as you, treat you just as bad.

I couldn't believe the scummery, people would try on shoes and then leave them on the ground. Of course, if we had an extra person we'd keep these few shoes picked up but if we didn't, it would eventually become a shoe mountain right in the middle of an aisle. Families would come in, and let their kids run straight to the toy section like we were some kinda playhouse. It was guaranteed that the toy section would at the very least be completely destroyed, if not torn apart and the toy pieces strewn about. People would lay out rugs on the ground and then leave them there, and then other people would roll them over with their carts as if we just felt like decorating that section with rugs. Clothes would get knocked off hangers and left on the ground, or purposely taken off the hanger and then draped over the rack. Every single day the entire store was destroyed, as if there was some kind of panic and people were desperately trying to get supplies.

So that's indirect shitty behavior, but on top of that is the direct disrespect you essentially have a 50/50 chance of receiving. Men whistling at me to get my attention like I'm some sort of dog (I'm a dude), people arguing with you about prices as if you come up with them, one time I checked a guy out and it seemed like a normal checkout until I handed him the bag and he puffed up his chest and started cussing at me and then spat at me. Once a dude lunged over the counter to try to grab me because I wouldn't return his extremely old item. Another guy handed me a receipt he had smeared shit on and laughed his ass off when I noticed. Once I straight up got called a line nazi because I informed a woman she had cut the line and the correct entrance is over there. Of course in these situations a manager would “handle” it by basically sucking the customer off and checking them out themselves. The manager would always try to laugh about it with me but no fuck you you are encouraging this garbage behavior.

So basically what I'm saying is that we are fucked as a species and while yeah I fucking hate these rich fucks keeping us small and shitty, I also fucking hate the masses who don't give a shit about you and want you to know it. It was all kinds too, young, old, every race under the sun. Everyone treats retail workers like subhumans and it disgusts me.

E: My favorite dumb customer was a lady who specifically asked me to put everything in one bag, then was incredibly pissed off at me about how heavy the bag was after.

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