
not receiving all my tips

Not sure if this is the right place to be asking but I would really like some input. I got my paycheck for the last two week period in the form of a check and the tips in cash. When I clock out of a shift I get a receipt with the tips I made from the card reader and I have most of them saved from that time period, except for four days where the printer wasn’t working. From the ones that I have I calculated that i’m missing about $70 in tips. I work at what is essentially a self serve ice cream shop where most of the work is cleaning/prepping food/cash register and there’s only one person working at a time, so all the tips from my shift would go to me. Asked a coworker about it and they said it’s been going on for a while…

Not sure if this is the right place to be asking but I would really like some input. I got my paycheck for the last two week period in the form of a check and the tips in cash. When I clock out of a shift I get a receipt with the tips I made from the card reader and I have most of them saved from that time period, except for four days where the printer wasn’t working. From the ones that I have I calculated that i’m missing about $70 in tips. I work at what is essentially a self serve ice cream shop where most of the work is cleaning/prepping food/cash register and there’s only one person working at a time, so all the tips from my shift would go to me. Asked a coworker about it and they said it’s been going on for a while so i’m pretty sure it’s intentional. I was initially going to confront my manager about it since I have the receipts for evidence, but I feel like he could definitely just replace me. From what I understand, he owns a few stores in the area and is the highest level of management. The store I work at only consists of teenagers (maybe 5 employees total) which makes me think he’s purposefully taking advantage of us.. ? Not sure how normal it is to have only one person work at a time, even if it is pretty slow sometimes. Anyways I don’t really want to lose this job since it’s basically guaranteed employment for when I’m back home from school, but it is a decent amount of money that i’m not getting. Any advice or input would be appreciated!

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