
Not so accommodating..

I have two supervisors at work.. The way that I am hired on is that I am employed through a company through a partnership with another company. We just got a new manager at the company that I do the work at. I submitted my accommodation letter a couple of months ago. Everything has been going fine. My supervisor at Job A told me that she did not need anything else from me. I have been taking only chats for over a year, except being pulled here and there for calls. My accommodation letter was to stay on chats if possible due to uncertainty of static in the phone lines which triggers my migraines. Fast forward to last Thursday, I get an email that I am being switched to another contract. There was no notice or anything. No one had told me there was any issue with this. I called…

I have two supervisors at work.. The way that I am hired on is that I am employed through a company through a partnership with another company. We just got a new manager at the company that I do the work at.
I submitted my accommodation letter a couple of months ago. Everything has been going fine. My supervisor at Job A told me that she did not need anything else from me. I have been taking only chats for over a year, except being pulled here and there for calls. My accommodation letter was to stay on chats if possible due to uncertainty of static in the phone lines which triggers my migraines.
Fast forward to last Thursday, I get an email that I am being switched to another contract. There was no notice or anything. No one had told me there was any issue with this. I called supervisor at Job A who told me that they weren't moving me because I need to be able to take calls and chats. (I usually ONLY take chats, but this is suddenly an issue). Meanwhile, they accommodate other agents for anxiety. They never make the bilingual agents take calls that are on chats.
I spoke with my supervisor at Job B. I expressed to him that I would rather stay where I am. He told me that he would speak with them and see what he could do.
He was able to allow me to stay on the current contract.
I cannot help but to feel blindsided about this?? Am I wrong for this??
Supervisor at Job B contacts me before he goes into surgery. He was in pre-op, said he wanted to speak with me first. He told me that I need to watch my back, and asked if I am sure that I want to stay there. Supervisor and new manager for Job A contacted him yesterday to tell him “hearsay” which was that they were told that I was “getting an excuse to not take calls” as if my condition is not legitimate. What more do they want? My medical records? This condition has ruined my life. I live it every day..
I am not sure how to even proceed with this anymore.

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