
Not sure how to quit (again)

So I’ve always had that hustle attitude and made sure to work hard/play hard. Recently I moved to a new state to be my FIL caregiver and inherited my husbands grandparents home. When we moved to be closer to my FIL I had a job before even stepping foot in my new home. Moved down on a Monday and the following Monday started work. It has consumed me. I have been speaking with my boss/owner since February stating I needed my hours shortened where he made me a part time position and tried to accommodate me. In the agreement it was i was to get the month of March off as I put my “two weeks” in for my current position and would come back as the new position. Well that didn’t happen. I have been working my old position and have not received anytime off besides the few days…

So I’ve always had that hustle attitude and made sure to work hard/play hard. Recently I moved to a new state to be my FIL caregiver and inherited my husbands grandparents home.

When we moved to be closer to my FIL I had a job before even stepping foot in my new home. Moved down on a Monday and the following Monday started work. It has consumed me. I have been speaking with my boss/owner since February stating I needed my hours shortened where he made me a part time position and tried to accommodate me. In the agreement it was i was to get the month of March off as I put my “two weeks” in for my current position and would come back as the new position. Well that didn’t happen. I have been working my old position and have not received anytime off besides the few days making me a part time worker but I come in to tons of work from the days i am off.

I’m at the point where I am fed up and want to just quit. I feel like they are not respecting my boundaries. I got “bullied” into being Oncall the other week because it was “my turn” even though I was supposed to be off completely. The owner is away this week and I had a list of things scheduled yet here I am because he didn’t have anyone else. Do I put in ANOTHER 2 week notice? Do I just leave and write a letter stating I’m done? Overall I like him as a person but I feel taken advantage of and honestly fucking over it. Any advice is welcomed and appreciated. Can explain anything better if needed I definitely left a lot of stuff out like all the office drama.

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