
not sure if this fits but my boss is a dick

I've been a general service technician (entry level mechanic) for this company for 6 months and my boss has very clear favoritism towards the other GST we have. I am faster than him and have a better attitude. Not to mention he's late every Saturday (our busiest day) he's also blown up an engine but for some reason he's the favorite. Any time I ask a question he makes me feel bad for asking it. Everybody there always seems to make sure I know that I'm not valued. My previous job was a completely different experience. At my previous job I was a GST but I was the ONLY PERSON in the shop. So the higher ups viewed me as some sort of god and I got pretty much whatever I wanted because they knew if I left they would have to shut down the whole store. So I felt…

I've been a general service technician (entry level mechanic) for this company for 6 months and my boss has very clear favoritism towards the other GST we have. I am faster than him and have a better attitude. Not to mention he's late every Saturday (our busiest day) he's also blown up an engine but for some reason he's the favorite. Any time I ask a question he makes me feel bad for asking it. Everybody there always seems to make sure I know that I'm not valued. My previous job was a completely different experience. At my previous job I was a GST but I was the ONLY PERSON in the shop. So the higher ups viewed me as some sort of god and I got pretty much whatever I wanted because they knew if I left they would have to shut down the whole store. So I felt very valued. But then I switch to here and everybody there treats me as expendable especially my boss. It's also worth noting that he talks about EVERYBODY behind their backs not just me but it seems like i get it the worst.

The issue that has pushed me over the edge is that I took a vacation to south Dakota and I let him know MONTHS in advance and apparently while I was gone he was shit talking a bunch and saying things like “with all this time off he takes how will he afford his bills?” And he did not mean it in a genuine concerned way according to my work friend (the only one who actually treats me with dignity). When I have in total I have taken 1 sick day. 1 vacation day to see my mom then for this last vacation I took 4 vacation days (6 days total but 2 of those were the weekend so really 4 days of vacation time). And he acts like i take days off all the time.

Also I came here under the promise that I would be trained up to be a full fledged technician. And I've definitely learned more here than at my previous job but he never seems to want me to progress my skillset when that's why I'm here. The other GST is currently in the process of being trained into that level. But I'm just doing oil changes all day and seeing everybody else doing fun stuff. A couple coworkers will often teach me things though which is nice.

I knew that I wouldn't be as valued as I was at my previous job but I wasn't expecting this much of a shift. And I feel worthless. I spent most of my life there yet I feel like they don't give a damn about me

Ultimately I like working and I like what I do but the people I work with are making me dread coming in some days.

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