
Not trying at work anymore

I had to take over the duties of some girl who left the company a month ago because I have previous experience even though that was /literally/ the reason why I quit my previous job because I hated doing it. I work in R&D and this work is for QA but it still got tossed over to me. I've been boycotting. I have been putting in the barest of bare minimum effort so they realize I suck and give it to someone else to do. Instead I'm just pretending to be busy when I'm not doing my usual R&D assignments. I could care less anymore.

I had to take over the duties of some girl who left the company a month ago because I have previous experience even though that was /literally/ the reason why I quit my previous job because I hated doing it. I work in R&D and this work is for QA but it still got tossed over to me. I've been boycotting. I have been putting in the barest of bare minimum effort so they realize I suck and give it to someone else to do. Instead I'm just pretending to be busy when I'm not doing my usual R&D assignments. I could care less anymore.

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