
Not wanting a raise

My boss and I submitted the budget for 2024 (I’m an accountant) and it has me getting a raise. I just started my career November 2022 after college graduation. To be completely honest the raise is so insignificant it’s like a slap in the face. ADP paycheck calculator said it would be $60 more a paycheck. The reason given in the budget submission under the raises/promotions section was “He has been here a year”. I straight up wanna tell her “I don’t want a raise.” And if she asks why I will say “It’s not worth getting into. Less is more.” Am I crazy or fucked up? I’m looking for a new job. This is bothering me.

My boss and I submitted the budget for 2024 (I’m an accountant) and it has me getting a raise. I just started my career November 2022 after college graduation.

To be completely honest the raise is so insignificant it’s like a slap in the face. ADP paycheck calculator said it would be $60 more a paycheck. The reason given in the budget submission under the raises/promotions section was “He has been here a year”.

I straight up wanna tell her “I don’t want a raise.” And if she asks why I will say “It’s not worth getting into. Less is more.”

Am I crazy or fucked up? I’m looking for a new job. This is bothering me.

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