
Not what I expected. long thread

So I joined this reddit several months ago because I have always been the type of person that was very anti cooperate and I thought it would be interesting to see some stories on here. In the time I have been on here I have seen some stories that were good reads. I have also learned on my time here as well as almost 30 years working for various companies and different trades some truths. I'm mid 40s and set to retire in the Mexico next year. It wasn't easy. I was really friggen hard. I spent several years working as an abatement technician removing esbetos and I can tell you anyone who is on here complaining wouldn't last a single day in that trade. $13 an hour to start and some of the worste working conditions you can imagine, but I hung in and got through it. Got my…

So I joined this reddit several months ago because I have always been the type of person that was very anti cooperate and I thought it would be interesting to see some stories on here. In the time I have been on here I have seen some stories that were good reads. I have also learned on my time here as well as almost 30 years working for various companies and different trades some truths. I'm mid 40s and set to retire in the Mexico next year. It wasn't easy. I was really friggen hard. I spent several years working as an abatement technician removing esbetos and I can tell you anyone who is on here complaining wouldn't last a single day in that trade. $13 an hour to start and some of the worste working conditions you can imagine, but I hung in and got through it. Got my full license and ended up making $28hr when I left 5 years later. This lead to a entry management position with another company and eventually my own business. I worked with so many people who quit on the first day and almost all of them are no further ahead then when they left years ago. I have run a contracting business for over 15 years now and I have one employee. Myself. I have work to employ 6 people but I won't hire anyone else. Why? Read around this reddit page and you can see why. Everyone expects to get hired and make top wages right out of the gate without putting anything in and to have thier employer kiss thier ass. News flash they/us don't need you. You need them to pay your bills and fill your stomachs and put a roof over your head. Do you have to suffer abuse? Fuck NO. But should you work hard and give a fuck about the company you work for hell yes. They fail, you fail. It seems many people think this world owes them something. This world owes you nothing. Not a damn thing. It's going to chew you up and spit you out. It been that way for thousands of years and shit is just going down hill. Look around. You have 2 people on a worksite. The good workers who take pride in what they do and are valued and the rubber heads who are useless and just dead wieght. I've seen this on many sites where there are people no one wants to work with because they are useless. Think about it if your stuck doing a job do you want to be teamed up with the competent good working person who is going to be helpful or do you want to be hooked up with the idiot who isnt helping and is just standing around waiting for thier break. Who do you think gets the raise? Who do you think gets the promotion? I work for myself do you think I would survive with a shit attitude. I still have to do perfect work and take shit from my clients sometimes but that's life. I spent many many days when I first started working pissed off because I felt I was owed more or deserved better but I got over that in time and with age comes some wisdom. If you don't like your job find something you love. If your going to do the cooperate route dig in and climb the ranks to get yourself into a better position. Nothing is going to be handed to you. The world doesn't work that way. Weather your in a job in a city or you live in the woods off grid. Everything in life takes hard work. Should you be shit on while your doing it he'll no. But you should take pride in what you do, hell yes. Nothing is going to come easy but if you work hard and smart you can achieve anything. Your next day at work you need to decide which one of those 2 people you want to be. If your workplace is fucked get out and find another one. My advice would be go self employed then this shit is all on you. If you succeed awesome but if you have a shit attitude and fail then that shit is completely on you. Stand up or fall down its your decision but stop putting blame on everyone else. If shits fucked where you work get out or stop complaining. The next 20 years are coming no matter what and they are not going to be good. A recession is around the corner, dwindling resources, war on multiple fronts, climate is fucked etc etc. Things are not improving. In this new world only people who are contributing and are valuable are going to have a place. Sad yes. Unfair yes but it's where we are heading. My advice to leave you with as I am leaving this reddit is work hard, not saying work yourself to death but do good work and stay valuable weather it's to your employer or yourself if your self employed. Find what makes you happy and do that. This world is circling the drain, find a way to make yourself happy day to day. Have a dream and do your best to fulfill it. I worked 14hrs yesterday as i am putting the finsihing touches on my own home renovation so i can sell so i can move. I have another long day today and its going to be that way for the next 3 months or so but i have a dream and dammit i am going to make it happen. I have fybromyalgea, rheumatoid arthritis, ADHD and chronic depression so I understand pain and struggle. If you don't do shit or go through life half assed then you will hit old age with nothing and end up in a shit nursing home. I've seen it over and over. Find yourself a good partner and work together to build something you both want. It can happen. You can do it but I will not be easy. Good luck to all of you. I hope you all find happiness.

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