
Nothing new in 22

I have a plan this year. Buy nothing new. Corporations have gotten so greedy, inflation is insane, employees are treated like garbage. I don't want to give them my money any more than I have to. My plan is to use CL or the marketplace to buy most things I need. Ebay if I have to. If I delay a purchase, I am. I'm making my own toothpaste. Borrow from family. Shit like that. Id like to create a list of smaller companies to buy from in the future.. but for now , nothing new in 22

I have a plan this year. Buy nothing new.

Corporations have gotten so greedy, inflation is insane, employees are treated like garbage. I don't want to give them my money any more than I have to. My plan is to use CL or the marketplace to buy most things I need. Ebay if I have to. If I delay a purchase, I am. I'm making my own toothpaste. Borrow from family. Shit like that.

Id like to create a list of smaller companies to buy from in the future.. but for now , nothing new in 22

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