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Hi guys, this is a question i wanted to post in r/askamericans but it would have more visibility here. French here, during my vacations in AZ and Utah (near the four corners) i was really surprised by the fact that every restaurant we passed, in every Parc and in every radio stations we saw and heard of job offers. We heard of Police recuitement, every job possible in schools (from teacher to kitchen), national parc employees (even rangers too) And finaly in restaurant as i said above. Most of them told us that they close 1 our before usual due to lack of employees. Is america right now with no ununployement or people does not want to work in these jobs /places ? I argued with my Gf about this because IMO, places like these (very small town in middle of nowhere) don't attract people. What do you think ?

Hi guys, this is a question i wanted to post in r/askamericans but it would have more visibility here.

French here, during my vacations in AZ and Utah (near the four corners) i was really surprised by the fact that every restaurant we passed, in every Parc and in every radio stations we saw and heard of job offers.

We heard of Police recuitement, every job possible in schools (from teacher to kitchen), national parc employees (even rangers too) And finaly in restaurant as i said above. Most of them told us that they close 1 our before usual due to lack of employees.

Is america right now with no ununployement or people does not want to work in these jobs /places ?

I argued with my Gf about this because IMO, places like these (very small town in middle of nowhere) don't attract people. What do you think ?

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