
now what

I was a cook at a restaurant. On Thursday night I was really sick throwing up all night. I was scheduled to work at 9:00 a.m. Friday morning. I meant to text my boss and tell him I wasn't going to be in but in between throwing up and finally being able to get some sleep I did not. I did not wake up until almost 1:00 p.m. Friday. I then texted him and let him know I was going to be out and I apologize for not reaching out earlier but I had been sick. He then responded and told me that I constantly let the team down even though I've only called in three times total in the 6 months I've worked there. One of the other cooks just had a baby last Thursday and was supposed to work Friday but was out obviously. My boss then texted…

I was a cook at a restaurant. On Thursday night I was really sick throwing up all night. I was scheduled to work at 9:00 a.m. Friday morning. I meant to text my boss and tell him I wasn't going to be in but in between throwing up and finally being able to get some sleep I did not. I did not wake up until almost 1:00 p.m. Friday. I then texted him and let him know I was going to be out and I apologize for not reaching out earlier but I had been sick. He then responded and told me that I constantly let the team down even though I've only called in three times total in the 6 months I've worked there. One of the other cooks just had a baby last Thursday and was supposed to work Friday but was out obviously. My boss then texted me and said I need somebody for the night shift if you're not here by 5:00 you're fired. I responded and said I'm not allowed to be in the kitchen while vomiting so I would not be there. Also I was only scheduled until 5:00 on Friday I don't work the night shift on Fridays. So the last message I have from him is telling me that if I don't come in to cover somebody else's shift that I'm fired. Well I also have my daughter on the weekends even if I wasn't sick I wouldn't be able to work the night shift. So I went in on time for my shift this morning because he hadn't responded to me or told me whether or not I was fired or what the deal was. I show up and say I'm not really sure what's going on but the dining room manager verified that I was fired and so I collected my last check and left. As much as it sucks to not be working I'm really glad I'm not working there anymore. I was paid the same as a prep cook yet had the most responsibilities in the kitchen. I opened for them and would sit in the parking lot and wait because the other opener with the key was too hungover to show up on time. I was the last one to leave every night when the managers were the first to leave. We would have a new employee and they would just leave them and not tell them how to close or what to do. Honestly the place was a joke. Can anyone point me in the right direction of what steps I should take moving forward?

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