
Obamacare is the ultimate f/u to the establishment.

I worked for decades just to have health insurance that was somewhat, but less and less paid for by the company. At the same time, deductibles went up, coverage went down and to a large degree one could still go bankrupt while have standard company health insurance if they came down with a costly illness or injury. In 2019, I got on Obamacare and picked a plan that would limit my out of pocket costs. I ended up paying about $250 a month for very good insurance that let me see my same MD and had me covered 100% for an almost certain ablation procedure that ended up being certain by the fall of 2020. The procedure might have run $25-40k but there was a complication that caused me to spend 5 nights in the hospital for a grand total of $440,000. Kind of shit-yer-pants numbers but thankfully 100% covered.…

I worked for decades just to have health insurance that was somewhat, but less and less paid for by the company. At the same time, deductibles went up, coverage went down and to a large degree one could still go bankrupt while have standard company health insurance if they came down with a costly illness or injury.

In 2019, I got on Obamacare and picked a plan that would limit my out of pocket costs. I ended up paying about $250 a month for very good insurance that let me see my same MD and had me covered 100% for an almost certain ablation procedure that ended up being certain by the fall of 2020. The procedure might have run $25-40k but there was a complication that caused me to spend 5 nights in the hospital for a grand total of $440,000.

Kind of shit-yer-pants numbers but thankfully 100% covered. Almost any other corporate insurance I've had would have left me holding the bag for hundreds of thousands of dollars and would have in large part left me broke'ish and maybe homeless.

Altogether, after covid in Dec 2020, I had nearly $550,000 in medical costs for 2020. My out of pocket was less than $7,500. I still have the same insurance in 2021 and 2022 and don't think I'll ever take the risk of not having it. It's costly but not nearly as much as being wiped out.

Thanks Obama.

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