
Off to go live my dream of mooching off the government!

Currently on my last day of work in this hellscape. Too many toxic customers who never face consequences and absentee management. Switching to a new job where I work at a bunch of different places for 10-20 days at a time and collect unemployment the rest of the time. I'll be able to spend most of my time this Summer gardening and finishing overdue home improvement projects. Less money overall, but I saved a bit and got my expenses super low.

Currently on my last day of work in this hellscape. Too many toxic customers who never face consequences and absentee management. Switching to a new job where I work at a bunch of different places for 10-20 days at a time and collect unemployment the rest of the time. I'll be able to spend most of my time this Summer gardening and finishing overdue home improvement projects.

Less money overall, but I saved a bit and got my expenses super low.

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