
Offer on the table, on the fence about leaving

I’ve been with my current employer for 3-5 years now. I’m comfortable with what I’m doing, but have felt stagnated in my growth for the last 18 months. Morale across the board has been bad for at least as long, and we’ve recently lost one key employee while I’m aware there are others actively looking to leave. At our annual review my department was told we had been given more budget room so we all got small raises but now we’re at the tops of our pay bands. The raise wasn’t even on par with inflation. With the crazy increase to fuel cost, and me being one of few employees commuting +1.5hrs round trip per day I reached out to some colleagues to attempt coordinating a carpool; the hours didn’t quite line up and my boss wasn’t sure how they felt with me coming in and leaving an hour earlier…

I’ve been with my current employer for 3-5 years now. I’m comfortable with what I’m doing, but have felt stagnated in my growth for the last 18 months. Morale across the board has been bad for at least as long, and we’ve recently lost one key employee while I’m aware there are others actively looking to leave.

At our annual review my department was told we had been given more budget room so we all got small raises but now we’re at the tops of our pay bands. The raise wasn’t even on par with inflation.

With the crazy increase to fuel cost, and me being one of few employees commuting +1.5hrs round trip per day I reached out to some colleagues to attempt coordinating a carpool; the hours didn’t quite line up and my boss wasn’t sure how they felt with me coming in and leaving an hour earlier than usual for one week to try the carpooling situation out.

I love my coworkers. My direct superviser/manager is really great most of the time, and they’re actively working on being a better manager. But the owner doesn’t seem to care about us or value my department. We’ve acquired some other businesses and so our workloads have increased. I don’t feel valued.

Part of me thinks maybe if I stick it out things will get better. We’re a 7 year old start up that isn’t really a start up anymore.

But then there is this offer to work for a local company (no commute, saving gas money right away) but my workday becomes an hour longer (8-4 with paid 30 min lunch I usually work through vs 8-5 with unpaid hour lunch I might be required to take).
They’re paying me nearly 10k more right off the bat with annual raises in place. My vacation stays the same, but they also match retirement contributions.

Seems like a great opportunity. Why can’t I pull the trigger?

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