My husband deployed Sunday. I let work know weeks in advance I would need more flexibility bc things would get very difficult for me.i communicated as much as I could.
First day after he left was this Monday. I over slept by 24 minutes. I work remotely so no big deal.
I make 16.50 an hour. You can get a $300 attendance bonus every month,. Even with two unscheduled lates. I had no other lates. If you do it for 3 months in a row you get an extra $300
They decided that my 24 minutes over sleep – not a typical behavior from me- would be enough to disqualify me.
That's $600 of lost income. For 24 minutes. It renders me wage into a non livable wage.
I straight up said okay well I will see you weds then. They didn't like that!!! But in my mind the punishment should match the crime so I made the crime match. It makes me sick to my stomach they did this. Yes I did over sleep but did they need to kick me when I was down? Yeah they did I guess.
I need advice for how to smooth this over I know they're pissed but to be honest I'm super fucking pissed too.
It really revealed the problems I have with my base pay. I calculate performance bonuses and sales commissions. I'm one of the 3 lowest paid people but yet I'm trusted with Financials and have manager level responsibility with what I contribute. I want to act my wage but then they would call it a poor attitude. It's cruel to have one of the lowest paid people calculate everyone's bonuses. I do not have performance bonuses, just the attendance one every one gets.
Like I am so pissed at them and just want to start applying to new places which I will be doing.
Anyone have any ideas how I can try to kiss ass and fix this? Even though I'm the one they did dirty–I can't get over it so i can't call them yet.
If there's a better sub for this please let me know but really I'm so pissed at my company right now