
Oh no, great resignation, labor shortage, boo the frick who.

Everywhere I look, labor shortage this, great resignation that, we need employers NAO!!!!!, and yet… nothing. I've applied to fuck knows how many companies, redone my resume an ungodly number of times, interviewed several, nothing. I even stayed up for a fucking 3 AM video interview, because that's a great idea. Oh wait. I get rejected by the screening interview. But no, I keep playing the fucking game, because god damn it, in this society, we earn a living. No, we don't get a basic living from the get go, it's EARN A FUCKING LIVING. Because, for the simple reason that I was born, I have to earn a fucking living. Oh, I get excuses for it. “Oh, we went with a more relevant candidate.” “Oh, we don't care enough to inform you our decision making process.” “Oh, we don't have uniforms with pants in 64×30.” “Life, liberty, and the…

Everywhere I look, labor shortage this, great resignation that, we need employers NAO!!!!!, and yet… nothing. I've applied to fuck knows how many companies, redone my resume an ungodly number of times, interviewed several, nothing. I even stayed up for a fucking 3 AM video interview, because that's a great idea. Oh wait. I get rejected by the screening interview.

But no, I keep playing the fucking game, because god damn it, in this society, we earn a living. No, we don't get a basic living from the get go, it's EARN A FUCKING LIVING. Because, for the simple reason that I was born, I have to earn a fucking living.

Oh, I get excuses for it. “Oh, we went with a more relevant candidate.” “Oh, we don't care enough to inform you our decision making process.” “Oh, we don't have uniforms with pants in 64×30.”

“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. We should be given that. We should be given life (and it's necessities, like a place to sleep, food to eat, room to shit, et cetera), liberty (not this slavery bullshit that is “work or starve”), and the ability to pursue our dreams.

At this point, I might have to go back to the job where I had a customer choke me, best part is the management didn't even respond to the report. I'm really not looking forward to that.

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