
Old Job Hoped to Fuck me

Well that was fun Preface this to say I live in a town with five stoplights, its an island. There’s only one school district. So everyone is pretty much on a first name basis with everyone else or knows of everyone. I worked at a school district as a para for 5 years before resigning to go to college to pursue a higher education full time. After a few years I decided to switch to schooling part time and apply back to work as a para at my old school district. I left on great terms with everyone so no problem! After submitting my resume (with 11 years work experience overall in relative fields) I had a principal contact me the next day. Within a weekend I had an interview arranged. Lovely interview. Shared photos of our pets. Told them I would let them know if I wanted to work…

Well that was fun

Preface this to say I live in a town with five stoplights, its an island. There’s only one school district. So everyone is pretty much on a first name basis with everyone else or knows of everyone.

I worked at a school district as a para for 5 years before resigning to go to college to pursue a higher education full time. After a few years I decided to switch to schooling part time and apply back to work as a para at my old school district. I left on great terms with everyone so no problem!

After submitting my resume (with 11 years work experience overall in relative fields) I had a principal contact me the next day. Within a weekend I had an interview arranged. Lovely interview. Shared photos of our pets. Told them I would let them know if I wanted to work for them. (There was a misunderstanding of what job I was being interviewed for)

I called them the day after to tell them that I would like to work for them. Great no problem. Asked when I would be speaking to central office. I was told they’d call me in a few days.

Never got a call, but did get an email saying “hey congrats, now here is all the paperwork, better fill it out and submit it as soon as possible.” Which was a little odd, but maybe the procedure has changed since covid and I wouldnt be going in person like the first time I had been hired? But that meant I didnt go in to discuss my rate of pay or anything.

Well, I had schoolwork to do and I didnt get around to it for a week. Got a call from HR today asking me if I’d gotten the email, and hey no worries, but get it turned in. sure sure sure.

I realized again that no one mentioned my DAMN PAY. So i called them back.

Looonnng story short. I asked what my rate of pay is going to be now…

I got told that my starting pay is going to be 15.00hr.
I told them that I left at 21.34hr.

Doesn’t matter. Contracts were renegotiated for new hires and someone with a BA or 5+ experience are starting at 15.00hr. So, thats where I start at with my 11 years of experience.

I am welcome to request an appeal with the principal who interviewed me.

I told them that I will not accepting a job for them at this point. And that I will be emailing the principal to let them know what’s going on. I am not going to accept a job with a pay decrease of 6.34 an hour.

TLDR. Job tried to get me to sign on without telling me that id be getting fucked.

Thank you I just needed to flip a table there.

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